1626 INDEX.
Licenses—House bill to amend section 34A and sec-
tion 34B of article 56, title, 857, 859, 1012, 1254, 1446.
Limitations of Actions—Senate bill to amend section
7 of article 57, relating to, 1421, 1437, 1508,
Manures and Fertilizers—House bill to amend sec-
tions 1 and 2 of article 61, title, 61, 377, 378, 443, 1507.
Mechanics' Lien—House bill to add an additional
section to article 63, title, 824, 916, 1141, 1332, 1476.
Militia—House bill to amend section 26 of article 65,
title, 49, 289, 290, 363, 640.
Senate bill to amend article 66, title, 246, 253, 318.
Senate bill to amend section 10 of article 65, title,
397, 649, 1349.
House bill to amend section 5 of article 65, title, 817,
819, 910, 998, 1288.
Senate bill to amend sections 26 and 27 of article 65,
title, 1210, 1265, 1321, 1407.
Mineral Waters, Porter and other Beverages—Senate
bill relating to, 704, 971, 1087.
Mortgages—Senate bill relating to, 1036, 1167, 1450.
House bill relating to, 189.
Non-residents—House bill to amend article 16, sub-
title, 30, 379, 520, 670, 1217.
Ordered that each delegate be furnished with Vol. 1
and 2 of the Code, 152.
Orphans' Court—House bill to add an additional sec-
tion to article 93, sub title, 61, 311.
House bill authorizing the governor to designate the
chief judge of, 106, 137, 240, 391, 599, 807.
Senate bill to amend section 294 of article 93, relat-
ing to, 543, 619, 1247.
House bill to amend section 227 of article 93, sub-
title, 890, 893, 1015.
Senate bill to amend section 227 of article 93, relat-
ing to, 1500, 1533, 1534, 1535.