1618 INDEX.
CLAIMS—House bill to pay Harris & Dorsch for uniforms
furnished Monumental City Guard, 21.
House bill to refund over-paid taxes to Wm. H. Ford,
23, 180, 239, 393, 600, 685.
House bill to pay the claim of the Commissioners
of Charities and Corrections for Frederick Co., 23, 180,
239, 275, 600, 674.
House bill to pay John C. Boessel for work on clock
in State House, 30, 608, 609, 723, 1181.
House bill to pay Thomas & Evans for printing the
School Report, 38, 73,101, 145, 246, 267, 838.
House bill to pay Wm. Flaherty fifty-four dollars and
fifty-seven cents, 49, 155, 200, 258, 323, 708, 878.
House bill to pay Schultz Gas Fixture and Art Metal
Company of Baltimore, 59, 442, 624.
House bill to pay the claims of the Baltimore Pub-
lishing Company, 71, 200, 239, 369, 979, 1307.
House bill to pay the claim of Louis H. Rehn, 94,
210, 365, 510, 1227.
Senate bill to pay the claim of Henry T. Hebb, 147,
180, 368.
Order relating to L. H. Miller's claim, 250.
House bill to pay Wm. H. Taylor, Robert Bellis and
Benjamin Sevier, 284, 348.
House bill to pay Eugene E. Grannan, 496, 499,
723, 958, 1355.
House bill to pay Lemuel J. Mitchell, 605, 609, 897.
House bill to pay Oscar Ruckle and others, 646, 647,
767, 947.
House bill to pay Thomas H. Harrison, 717, 719,
897, 992, 1586.
Souse bill to pay F. Martin, Robert Bridges and
Joseph D. Baker as witnesses, 1008.
section 120 of article 81, relating to, see Code.
House bill to amend the charter, 818, 819, 932, 1148,