1612 INDEX.
House bill to sanction bequest of Elizabeth V. Lane
to the Board of Home and Foreign Missions, 71, 140,
169, 259, 432.
House bill to sanction bequests of Barbara M. Beall,
95,196, 238, 326, 542, 673.
House bill to sanction bequests of Thomas S. Beall,
95, 214, 238, 326, 542, 674.
House bill to sanction bequest of Susan Kuhn to the
Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, 106.
House bill to sanction bequest of Peter Light of his
right and title in Rehobeth Church, 107, 108.
House bill to sanction bequest of Alien Bowie Davis,
in trust for the Vestny of St. John's Church, 115.
House bill to sanction bequest of Agnes Dougherty
to St. Agnes' Hospital.
House bill to sanction bequest of Mrs. Margaret Nor-
ris to the Roman Catholic Church at Hagerstown, 154.
House bill to sanction bequest of Mary Michaels, of
Baltimore, 188.
House bill to sanction bequest of Francis Davidson
to the Presbyterian Association, of Baltimore, 220.
House bill to sanction bequest of Mary W. Dennis to
the Baptist Union Association, 234.
House bill to sanction bequest of John B. Cunning-
ham, 251.
House bill to sanction bequest of Rebecca L. Hughes,
House bill to sanction bequest of Letitia P. Harvey,
House bill to sanction bequests of Susanna Warfield,
252. 581, 622, 630, 806.
House bill to sanction bequest of Sarah Ann Taylor,
284, 287, 316, 483, 805.
House bill to sanction bequest of Savilla Bankert,
500, 522, 798, 979.
House bill to sanction bequest of Nancy Camel, 537,
584, 623, 871, 978,1308,