Said bill, as amended, was then passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins,
Sappington, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Carrico,
Maddox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr., Monmo-
nier, Schlaffer, Collins, Wooters, Leonard, Sterling,
Smith, of Dorchester, Beeks, Bowie,of Prince George's,
Sill, Perrie, Hayman, McSherry, Gaver, Sappington,
of Frederick, Bevard, Deen, Johnson, Thompson,
Fitzgerald, Brennan, Carter, Bowie, of Balto, city,
Gallagher, Gill, Cornthwaite, Joyce, Griffith, Young,
House bill entitled an Act requiring the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to grade, curb and
macadamize the road or way now called Eastern
avenue, at Highlandtown, in Baltimore county.
Endorsed : Read the third time, and passed by yeas
and nays, wjth proposed amendments."
Add additional section known as section 5.
"Sec 5. And be it further enacted, That before the
said County Commissioners of Baltimore shall expend
any money under the provisions of this bill, the prop-
erty owners on said Eastern avenue are hereby re-
quired to deposit with the Treasurer of Baltimore
county, as a special fund, seventy-five cents per front
foot on all property to be imposed on said avenue for
the purpose of curbing the same and paving a gutter
five feet wide."
Also make section 5 section 6.
Which were concurred in.
Said bill, as amended, was then passed by yeas and
nays, as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE.—Messrs. Speaker, Combs, Garner,
Strong, Wilson, Brashears, Donaldson, Hutchins, Sap-
pington, of Anne Arundel, Ireland, Lane, Carrico, Mad-
dox, Orrick, Cole, Elliott, Hamilton, Jr., Momnonier,
Wooters, Leonard, Anderson, Sterling, Meredith,
Smith, of Dorchester, Miles, Kirk, Grove, of Cecil,