Franklin, Wilkinson, Hayman, Sappington, of Fred-
erick, Steans, Johnson, Thompson, Laird, Griffith,
Hosken, Sr., Haines, Moore, Michaels—32.
So the motion to substitute The bill for the unfavor-
able leport was adopted.
Said bill, was then read a second time.
Mr. Sams, from the Committee on Education, re-
ported favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal and re enact
with amendments sections 6, 18 and 25, of Article 77,
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Public
Which was read a second time.
Mr. Collins, from the Committee on Agriculture,
reported unfavorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to give the Legislative
assent of the State of Maryland to the provisions of
an Act of Congress, approved August 30th, 1890, and
entitled an Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of
the public lands to the more complete endowment and
support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture
and the mechanic arts, established under the provis-
ions of an Act of Congress approved July 2d, 1862.
Which was adopted.
Mr. Laird, acting chairman of the Judiciary Com-
mittee, reported unfavorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to lepeal and re enact
with amendments section 25, of Article 20, of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Constables," sub-
title "Police Duties of Constables."
Which was adopted.
Mr. Laird, acting chairman, reported favorably from
the Committee on the Judiciary,
House bill entitled an Act to give the assent of the
General Assembly of Maryland to the sale, by the
Vestry of St. Steven's Church of Baltimore to the
Trustees of the Emanah Hebrew Congregation of Bal-
timore city, of all that lot of ground with the improve-
ments thereon, situate at the corner of Hanover street
and Welcome alley, in the city of Baltimore.
Which was read a second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.