ANNAPOLIS, January, 1892.
Statement of receipts and expenditures of the public moneys for the fiscal
year ended September 30th, 1891, furnished in obedience to a reso-
lution of the General Assembly, passed at its January Session, 1886.
Receipts into the Treasury during the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 1891.
Annapolis Water Company............................... ......
$ 2,100.00
Agricultural College, int. on Investments of College Scrip.
6,142 30
B. & O. R. R. Co.— Dividends on Wash. Branch............
55,000 00
Bank Stocks, Fanners' National Bank of Annapolis, Divi-
dends on................................................................
4,182 30
Bonus on Corporations................................................
6,281 41
Baltimore & Fredericktown Turnpike Company...........
165 00
Conscience Fund................................... ........... .
34 00
Exchange Loan of 1891....... ........... ....................
413,141 18
Excess of Fees of Office.............................................
23,253 42
Fines and Forfeitures...................................
10,868 43
Grain Weighing... .. .................................. .. .....
1,761 54
Interest on Personal Accounts...... ... ........ ........
11,619 67
Land Office............... . ... ........ ... ..................
1,361 17
Licenses — Auctioneers...... .. ................... ..............
3,114 25
Billiard Tables ..... ............ . ................
3.839 81
23,691 47
Exhibition.................................... ..........
6,702 58
Foreign Insurance Companies.....................
84,540 87
Hawkers and Pedlars.................... ........
9,431 12
Ordinary ................................................
12,021 61
Oyster House .............................................
15,445 64
Oyster Measurers... ........ .......................
465 30
Race and Fishery.....................................
47 08
Traders' .............................. .................
186,605 71
Traders' Liquor...................... ............ ....
20,809 03
To Dredge for Oysters........ ....... .......
To Sell Commercial Fertilizers....... .............
50,275 03
1,065 00
Wood Hucksters ..................... .................
99 00
Cigarette.............................. .................
11,887 29
High Liquor, Baltimore City............
512,016 26
Maryland Penitentiary ......... ............................ .
1,991 64
Northern Central Railway — Interest on Mortgage........
90,000 00
Oyster Fines.............. .. ................. ......... .
47 50
Oyster Packers' Fund................................. ............
1,854 57
Oyster Fund— from Clerks of Dorchester and Talbot Coun-
ties, sale of Sloop " Caine Franklin, " and for transfers
of Dredging Licenses as per Chaps. 296 of 1886, Sec 3,
375 of 1888 and 552 of 1890 .....................................
1,472 50
Penalty on Corporations ......... ................. .......
64 04