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Session Laws, 1892
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J. D Johnson, 1870......................................................

$ 131 67


Z. Marshall, 1870.........................................................

$ 13 00

John P. Hargis, 1873 ..................................................

230 00

D. W. C. Fooks, 1876.... ............. .............................

5 73

TABLE No. 17. — Due by following Incorporated Institutions.


Blane Avon Coal Company, 1865 to 1877..........................

$ 858 62

Cumberland Basin Company, 1873 to 1877........................

82 90

Potomac Wharf Company, 1879.......................................

56 25

Queen City Savings Bank, 1874 to 1875...........................

186 20

Queen City Perpetual Building Association, 1876 to 1879 ..

772 17

Perpetual Building Association of Lonaconing, 1876 to 1885

758 29

Perpetual Building Association of Cumberland, 1879 to 1882

81 74

People's Building Association of Cumberland, 1876 to 1879

861 17

Preston Coal and Iron Company, 1865 to 1870...................

54 93

Piedmont Coal and Iron Company, 1872 to 1873...............

670 00

Spruce Hill Coal Company, 1868 to 1871.............................

267 74

Thud German Building Association of Cumberland, 1876 to


411 92

Workingmen's Building Association of Cumberland, 1876

to 1879.. ............................ ... ..................

115 92

Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Western Maryland,

Cumberland, 1879 ............ .............................

18 75

Agricultural and Mechanical Society of Allegany County

1874 to 1878.................... .....................................

40 67

Carroll Building Association of Cumberland, 1876 to 1878...

310 20

Cumberland Coal and Iron Company, 1873 to 1879............

2,044 00

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Transportation Company, 1870

to 1871.................... ...........................................

46 20

Barton and McClare Coal Company, 1865 to 1871.. ..........

843 00

Danton Coal and Iron Company, 1865 to 1871 ................

203 42

Equitable Building Association of Barton, 187G to 1882.....

357 41

Equitable Building Association of Cumberland, 1876 to

1877....................................................... ............

86 94

Fawn Ash Coal Company, 1876 to 1879...........................

1,023 00

Franklin Coal Company, 1870 to 1879 ..... . .................

831 87

Frostburg Perpetual Building Association, 1876 to 1880......
Fourth German Building Association of Cumberland, 1876

527 10

to 1879.................................................................

143 20

Fire Insurance Company, 1877 ..................

86 25

First National Bank, Frostburg, 1870 .............................

96 25

Grant Coal Oil and Lumber Company, 1877......................

34 30

Home Building Association of Cumberland, 1877 to 1879....

470 99

Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1871............................

6 53

Mutual Landlords' Association of Cumberland, 1876 to

1879................................................ ...................

193 81

National Coal Company, 1865 to 1871..............................

578 89

Cumberland Casteel Manufacturing Company 1877 to 1879..

164 25

Young Men's Christian Association of Cumberland, 1876 to

297 16

1880. .................................................................

297 16

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 971   View pdf image (33K)
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