Church in this State, and of the several vestries incorpo-
rated under the provisions of said act, require that all such
doubts should be removed ; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section two hundred and seventeen of arti-
cle twenty-three of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Corporations," sub-title "Religious Corporations," be,
aud the same is hereby repealed and re -enacted so as to
read as follows :
217. Nothing in this article shall prevent the Protestant
Episcopal Church from incorporating the vestries in the
tion of
several parishes according to the usages of the said church,
under the said act of seventeen hundred and ninety -eight,
chapter twenty-four, entitled " An act for the establishment
of vestries for each parish in this State " as amended prior
to the adoption of the Code of eighteen hundred and sixty ;
and the said act as so amended is hereby confirmed and
declared, as the law of this State, to be binding and availa-
ble as if the same and every provision thereof was herein
formally and specially recited and re-enacted
Provided, that all parishes heretofore coustituted uuder
the thirty-third section of said act may, and all parishes
hereafter constituted under that said section of said act
shall, execute, acknowledge and record a certificate of their
articles of association, as such execution, acknowledgment
and record is now required under article twenty -three of the
Code of Public General Laws, entitled " Corporations " sub-
title " Religious Corporations."
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following new sec-
tion to be numbered 217 A, be, and the same is hereby
added to said article.
217 A. And all parishes heretofore constituted in pur-
suance of the provisions of said act, and all proceedings
tion of
therein held in pursuance of or by virtue of the powers and
authority contained in said act shall be and the same are
fully confirmed and declared to be good and available both
iu law and in equity.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.