the ballot box, or counted, except in the instances mentioned
in, section one hundred and sixty-one of this article ; ballots
not counted shall be marked defective on the back thereof,
and shall be preserved and disposed of in the same manner
as the rejected ballots.
161 UU. The necessary expense incurred in carrying out
the provisions of this article, shall be paid by the mayor and
council of Hagerstown, and the said mayor and council of
Hagerstown are hereby authorized and empowered to levy
in addition to the amount now authorized by law, such taxes
as may be necessary to meet the requirements and demands
arising out of the operation of this article, to be designated
in the annual levy of each year under the head of " Elections."
161VV. A voter who shall except as herein otherwise
provided, allow his ballot to be seen by any person with an
apparent intention of letting it be known how he is about to
Marking or
vote, or place any distinguishing mark upon his ballot, or
any person who shall interfere with any voter when inside
said enclosed space, or when marking his ballot, or who shall
endeavor to induce any voter before voting to show how he
marks or has marked his ballot, or otherwise violate any
provisions of this article, for which no other punishment is
prescribed, shall be punished by fine of not less than five
nor more than one hundred dollars, and election officers shall
report any person so doing to the officer or officers whose
duty it shall be to see that the offender is duly brought before
the proper Court, or order his arrest forthwith.
161 WW. Any person who shall, prior to an ele'ction
Deface or
wilfully deface or destroy any sample ballot posted in
accordance with the provisions of this act, or who, during
an election, shall wilfully deface, tear down, remove or
destroy any card of instruction or sample ballot printed or
posted for the instruction of voters, or who shall during an
election, wilfully remove or destroy the guard railing, or
any of the supplies or conveniences furnished to enable a
voter . to prepare his ballot, or shall wilfully hinder the
voting of others, shall be punished by a fine of not less than
five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprison-
ment in jail not exceeding one year, or both in the discre-
tion of the court.
161 YY. Any person who shall falsely or wilfully deface
or destroy any certificate of nomination or nomination
Deface or
paper, or any part thereof, or any letter of withdraw!, or
sign any certificate, nomination or withdrawl paper con-
of nomina-
trary to the provisions of this act, or forge the name of any
person to snch certificate of nomination, nomination or with-