treasurer of said town ; and in case of a tie vote for the office
of treasurer, the commissioners shall order a new election.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
annually appoint a clerk who shall keep the minutes of their
proceedings in a well-bound book, which shall be open to
the inspection of all persons interested therein, and shall
perform such duties as the commissioners may assign him.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may
also annually appoint a chief bailiff and such number of
under bailiffs as they may deem necessary.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
allow their clerk, chief bailiff and under bailiffs such com-
pensation as they may think proper.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the commissioners and
all other officers of the corporation shall, before they enter
upon the duties of their office, make oath that they will
diligently and faithfully, to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, perform the duties of their office, and shall file a
certificate thereof, of the officer before whom the same was
made, among the records of the corporation.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerk and chief bailiff
shall give bond to the commissioners in such penalty and
with such sureties as said commissioners may require, con-
ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their
respective offices.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall
Returns of
receive all returns of elections and determine all questions
arising thereon, and in case of non-election of a commis-
sioner or treasurer by reason of a tie vote, disqualifications
or other cause, shall, within ten days thereafter, order a
new election, giving ten days' public notice thereof; an
appeal may be taken from their decisions to the Circuit
Court of Caroline County, the losing parties paying costs
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may
pass such ordinances, not inconsistent with law, as they
Pass ordi-
may deem beneficial to the town ; may grade and pave
streets, lanes and alleys, remove nuisances and obstructions
therefrom ; restrain all disorder and disturbances ; prevent
all congregations of disorderly persons in public places;
apprehend and fine all tramps and vagabonds ; impose a tax
on dogs, geese, hogs and all other animals running at large
in the streets, or totally prohibit the same ; and may impose
fines, penalties and forfeitures not exceeding twenty dollars.