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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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article eleven of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-


land, title "Frederick County, "sub-title "Frederick, "relat-
ing to the Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick be and the

same is hereby repealed and re -en acted so as to read as follows :

Sec. 157. On the fourth Wednesday in June in every

third year, beginning in the year eighteen hundred and

ninety-two ; the residents of Frederick City, qualified as


hereinafter prescribed, shall elect the May or and five Alder-


men for the city, in the manner following, namely : The

qualified voters of each of the five aldermanic districts of

the city, shall vote at the polls in their respective districts,

for Mayor, and no person shall be permitted to vote for

Mayor, in any other district, except as hereafter stated, than

that in which the voter actually resides, and in aud for

which he is registered, and the qualified voters of each

aldermanic district shall, at the polls in their respective

districts, vote for an Alderman; one Alderman shall be

chosen from each of the five aldermanic districts, and shall

be voted for at the polls for said district, by the qualified

voters of such district, and none other ; the elections shall

be held at such place in each of such districts as the judges

of election of the district may prescribe, and the polls shall

be kept open from nine o'clock in the morning until five

o'clock in the afternoon.

SEC. 160. The Governor shall before the first day of April,

Officers of

previous to the Mayor aud aldermanic election, appoint one


person as officer of registration in each aldermanic district


of Frederick City, who shall be a resident of the district tor

which he is appointed ; and the said officer of registration

shall register in a book to be prepared for the purpose, all

male citizens above the age of twenty-one years, who shall

have the requisite qualifications to entitle them to vote for

Mayor and Aldermen. Every male person who shall be a

citizen of the United States, and who shall have resided

within the State of Maryland twelve months, and in the

aldermanic district wherein he offers to register six months

next preceding the election, shall be entitled to be registered,

provided always that where any person shall be legally

registered in any of the districts and shall remove therefrom

to any other of the districts and remain therein he shall be

entitled to have his name remain on the registry list of the

district from which he shall remove as aforesaid, and to vote

therein until he shall reside in the district which he shall

have removed to and remained in a sufficient time to entitle

him to register therein ; and the said officer of registration

before registering any person as a qualified voter, shall ad-


minister to him the following oath : I do solemnly swear,

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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