cessors shall be elected and other meetings, of the stock-
holders, may be called by the president and directors, or a
majority of them according to such rules as may be adopted
by the by-laws of said corporation, and the board of direc-
tors may meet as often as may be necessary for the transac-
tion of the business of the corporation.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the corporation hereby
formed shall have power and is hereby authorized to con-
tion to
struct, lay, operate and erect lines of wires for illuminating
purposes , also to lay tubes for the using and supplying
electricity and electrical currents, and for all other purposes
to which electricity or magnetism may be applied, either
above ground or under ground, or in pipes or otherwise, over,
under and along the streets, squares, lanes, roads, public
highways, bridges and alleys of the town of Elkton, and to
that end lay wires, tubes, conductors and insulators, and
erect poles and posts, and construct, maintain, repair and
remove from time to time all such lines, pipes and appliances;
provided, however, that in the construction, maintenance,
removal and repair thereof, the same shall be done under
such regulations as the town commissioners shall prescribe.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the directors of said cor-
poration shall have full power to adopt such by-laws, rules
and regulations for the direction and management of said
Power to
corporation as may in their judgment be necessary for the
purposes of their incorporation, not inconsistent with the
provisions of this charter and the laws and constitution of
this State, aud the president and directors of said corpora-
tion or a majority of them, shall constitute, appoint and
employ, such officers, agents and servants for the construc-
tion, preservation and repair of the said lines and property
and the transaction of all other business of said corporation,
with full power to fix their compensation, and to remove
them at pleasure.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That should said president and
directors determine to increase the capital stock of said
corporation, as authorized in the second section of this act,
they, or a majority of them, shall give the same notice of
the time and place of subscribing such additional stock as
is provided in section three of this act, preliminary to the
election of a president and directors.
SEC . 8. And be it enacted, That upon every subscription
of said stock, whether under section two or section seven of
this act, there shall be paid to the incorporators or their
of stock.
agents, the sum often dollars on each and every share sub-
scribed, and the residue shall be paid in such installments