tance of four hundred feet, more or less ; thence with a
westerly direction through the lands of W. C. Hanea and
Samuel Ramsburg straight to the southeast corner of the
lot of E. I. Saylor ; thence westerly with the dividing line
between the lands of I. D. Nicodemus and E. I. Saylor ;
thence with the dividing line, north, between the lot of E.
I. Saylor and I. D. Nicodemus; thence southwest in a
straight line to the southwest corner of R. A. Preshour's
lot ; thence in a direct line parallel to the Woodsborough
and Frederick turnpike through the lands of I. D. Nicode-
mus and I. L. Nicodemus to a point directly opposite the
southwest corner of I. D. Cramer's lot ; thence with the
dividing line between the lands of David Cramer and I. D.
Cramer ; thence with the dividing line between the lands of
I. D. Cramer and David Cramer to the southwest corner of
the lands of Johnson and Kemp ; thence northwest in a
direct line until it meets the southern boundary of I. L.
Reddick's lot ; thence with the dividing line between the lot
of I. L. Reddick and the lands of David Cramer and the line
between the lot of B. I. Jamison and the lands of David
Cramer to the west side line of the track of the Frederick and
Pennsylvania railroad ; thence to a point in the centre of
the public road two hundred feet west from the track of the
Frederick and Pennsylvania railroad ; thence through the
lands of I. D. Cramer in the line parallel with the track of
said railroad two hundred feet distant to the dividing line
between the lands of I. D. Cramer and George Cramer's
heirs ; thence in a direct line southeast to the track of the
Frederick and Pennsylvania railroad; thence with the track
of said railroad to a point opposite the northeast corner of the
lot of L. P. Ramsburg ; thence in a direct line to the southeast
corner of W. A. Cramer's lot ; thence northwest to a point
three hundred feet ; thence due east to the east side line of the
public road ; thence with said east side line of the public
road to the northeast corner of the lands of Nettie Atlee ;
thence with the dividing line between the lands of Nettie
Atlee and Fulton Brothers to the public road ; thence in
the same direction to the boundary line of the lands of
E. D. Creager ; thence westerly and southwesterly with the
boundary lines of the lands of E. D. Creager to the centre
of the Woodsborough and Frederick turnpike ; and thence
in a direct line to the point of beginning.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the male citizens of Walk-
ersville, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, who
To elect
have resided in said town for six months next preceding the
election, shall on the first Monday of May annually, elect
three freeholders, who have resided in said town for six