election, and shall be satisfied that the person so offering
to vote is the person named in said list and have checked
it thereon in the column ruled thereon for the purpose ; and
they shall receive and deposit in the ballot box the ballot
of every person offering to vote whose name appears in said
respective registries.
SEC. 159 V. Each officer of registration appointed under
Officers of
the provisions of this article shall receive sixteen dollars,
tration to
and no more, per annum for the discharge of his official
receive wit
duties, exclusive of office rent and the cost of stati6n-
ery. The clerk of the court shall receive one cent for
every ten words or figures of any copy of any registry of
voters, or part of any registry of, voters, of any ward, and
such copy shall be furnished by the said clerk within
five days after the demand therefor, but the officers of
legistration shall not be entitled to charge or receive any
fees for copies furnished by them of the entries relating to
the name of any person on their books of registration, but
may have printed blanks for such purpose, to be paid for
as a part of the necessary stationery of their office. The
necessary expenses incurred by said respective officers of
registration for books, stationary, fuel, office rent and for
publication of the notices and lists which are by this article
required to be publislied shall be paid by the Mayor aud
Council of Hagerstown; provided that no more than five
dollars be expended by each register for office rent and fuel,
the accounts of the said respective officers of registration
shall be verified by vouchers and be subject respectively to
the approval of the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown.
SEC. 159 W. It shall be the duty of the city attorney of
Duty of.
Hagerstown to advise and appear for the officers of regis-
tration appointed in conformity with the provisions of this
article and for the clerk of the Circuit Court; said city
attorney shall be paid by the mayor and council of Hagers-
town, twenty-five dollars per annum for such services ; and
said city attorney shall prepare for publication the necessary
notices to be given by the registers in each and every year
of the times and places of the sittings of said register.
SEC. 159 X. If any officer of registration shall fraudu-
lently register or fraudulently permit to be registered in
any registry of voters in his charge as officers of registration,
lent Acts
any person who is not entitled to be registered therein as a
of Regis-
qualified voter, or if any other person not authorized by the
proper judges shall inscribe the name of auy person as a quali-
fied and registered voter in any registry of voters, or if any
officer of registration shall fraudulently refuse or omit to regis-
ter, or shall fraudulently misspell in any registry of voters in