in some foreign country and has also both studied medicine
three years and attended three courses of lectures in differ-
ent years in some legally incorporated medical college or
colleges prior to the granting of said diploma or foreign
license ; provided, that two courses of medical lectures both
of which shall be either begun or completed within the same
calendar year, shall not satisfy the above requirement, pro-
vided, that this condition shall not apply to students who
shall be in their second year in a medical college, nor phy-
sicians who shall be practicing medicine at the time of the
passage of this act. Such proof shall be made, if required,
upon affidavit, upon the making of said application and
proof arid payment of fee as provided ; the president of the
board to whom such application was made, if satisfied with
the same, shall direct the secretary thereof to issue to said
applicant an order for examination, and when said appli-
cant shall have passed an examination as to proficiency sat-
isfactory to said board, the president shall grant to such
applicant a license to practice medicine and surgery in the
State of Maryland.
44. That all examinations shall be conducted in such
manner that the name, school of graduation and prepara-
How ex-
tory training of said applicant shall not be made known to
to be
the board of examiners until his examination papers have
been graded. An applicant receiving a majority of the
votes of the board before whom the applicant appears
shall be considered to have paused a satisfactory exami-
nation and entitled to the license of said board.
45. That a fee of ten dollars shall be paid to the secretary
of the board before whom the applicant appears, before such
examination is had, which said fee shall be applied by said
board towards paying the expenses of said board.
46. That the board shall refuse to grant a license
To refuse
to any applicant who may be radically deficient in his
examination in any essential branch ; provided, that in case
of failure at any such examination the candidate, after
the expiration of one year from his rejection, shall have the
privileges of another examination by the board to which
application was first made.
47. That every license to practice medicine and surgery
issned pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be sub-
scribed by the president and secretary of the board before
by whom
whom applicant passed, and by each medical examiner,
who reported the licentiate as having successfully passed
said examinations. It shall also have affixed to it by the
person authorized to fix the same, the seal of said Medical