judges after qualifying as aforesaid shall have power to
administer said oath to the clerks of the election.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That each of said judges
Power to
appointed under this act shall have power to cause the
arrest of any one violating any of the provisions hereof, or
suspected of violating the same, and in the absence of any
person authorized by law to make arrest, said judges may
designate some person as special officer, for that purpose,
and each of said judges shall be conservators of the peace
at the respective primary election polls, precinct meeting
places or other meeting places at which they may act as
such judges, and may in the manner herein provided, cause
the arrest of any person disturbing the peace.
Approved March 31st, 1892.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections
two hundred and one, two hundred and two, two hundred
and three, two hundred and four, two hundred and five
and two hundred and six, of article twenty -seven of the
Code of Public General Laws, title " Crimes and Punish-
ments," sub-title "Mineral Waters, Porter and other
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections two hundred and one, two hundred
Repeal and
and two, two hundred and three, two hundred and four, two
hundred and five and two hundred and six of article twenty-
seven, of the Code of Public General Laws, title " Crimes
and Punishments," sub-title " Mineral Waters, Porter and
other Beverages," be and the same are hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments so as to read as follows :
201. All persons, partnerships and bodies corporate,
being manufacturers, bottlers or dealers in mineral waters,
File de-
scription of
beer, porter or any other beverages whatever, who may own
device on
and use kegs, boxes, bottled beer crates, founts, bottles,
kegs, &c.
jugs or any other vessels adapted to contain liquids, upon
which shall appear the name or names of the said owner or
owners thereof impressed, stamped, stencilled, engraved,
cut or in any other manner fixed thereon, may file with the
clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City. Should the
business of any such person or persons, partnerships or cor-
poration be conducted within the limits of said city, or in