thousand dollars, now due on the said bonds, and whereas,
the said commissioners of Easton, have not the money with
which to pay the said balance of three thousand dollars,
now about to become due, and desire authority to issue new
bonds for the same and to levy a special tax for the pay-
ment of the same, with the interest thereon, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the purpose of paying and discharging
the said indebtedness the commissioners of Easton, duly
elected and qualified in accordance with the acts of Assem-
bly in such cases made and provided, be and they are
hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from time to
time, the required sum of money, not exceeding in the whole,
the sum of three thousand dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said "commissioners
of Easton," duly elected and qualified as aforesaid, be and
they are hereby further authorized and empowered, to issue
May Issue
bonds in the name of the "commissioners of Easton," in
sums of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than
one thousand dollars, each to be signed by the said com-
missioners of Easton, and countersigned by the clerk of
said commissioners, not exceeding in the whole the sum of
three thousand dollars as aforesaid, bearing interest at six
per centum per annum payable semi-annually, on the first
day of January and on the first day of July, in each and
every year ; and the said bonds shall not be sold for less
than the par value thereof, and shall be exempt from county
and municipal taxation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bonds shall be
issued payable five years from the date thereof, and redeem-
Bonds ?
able at any time after the expiration of three years from the
date thereof, at the pleasure of the said commissioners of
Easton duly elected and qualified as aforesaid, and the said
bonds shall be consecutively numbered as the same sliall
be issued.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners
of Easton, duly elected and qualified as aforesaid, be and
they are hereby authorized and required, in Easton, every
May levy
tax to pay
year, to levy and collect a special tax not exceeding ten
cents on every one hundred dollars worth of the taxable
property of all kinds and description, liable to assessment
and taxation within the corporate limits of the town of
Easton as now established by law, to pay the interest on the
outstanding bonds by them issued under the provisions of
this act, as the same shall fall due, and gradually to redeem
and retire such bonds until they all shall have been re-