of said corporations has violated its charter, or the law per-
Duty of
taining to the same, or is conducting business in an unsafe
in case
or unauthorized manner, he shall, by an order under his
hand and seal of office, addressed to such corporation, direct
the discontinuance of such illegal or unsafe practices and
require said corporation to act in conformity with the
requirements of its charter and of law, and insist upon
safety and security in its transactions ; and whenever any
such corporation shall refuse or neglect to make such report
as hereinbefore required, or to comply with any such order
as aforesaid ; or whenever it shall appear to said treasurer
that it is unsafe or inexpedient for any such corporation to
continue to transact business, he shall communicate the
facts to the Attoruey General who shall thereupon be
authorized to institute such proceedings against any such
corporation as are now or may hereafter be provided by law.
85 E. Every such corporation, as aforesaid, shall, within
six months from the passage of this act, and from time to
time thereafter, if need be, transfer and assign to the said
treasurer, registered public stock of the United States or
of the State of Maryland, or of Baltimore City, or the bonds
of any couty or municipal corporation of this State, which
To deposit
shall be approved by said treasurer to the amount in value
of fifteen per centum on the paid up capital stock of such
as security
corporation, and said amount shall be at all times main-
tained by said corporation, so that the amount of such
stock in the hands of said treasurer shall at all times be
equivalent at its par value to ten per centum of the paid up
capital stock of such corporation ; but not less in any case
than thirty thousand dollars ; which stocks must be registered
in the name of the said treasurer officially, as held in trust
under and pursuant to this act, and the same shall be held
by the said treasurer in trust as security for the depositors
with, or creditors of said corporation, and subject to sale
and transfer, and to the application of the proceeds of such
sale by the said treasurer only on the order of any court
of competent jurisdiction, and until the order of such court
authorizing such sale, or transfer, or otherwise, to the con-
trary, said treasurer shall pay over to such corporation the
interest which may be received on the said securities, or he
may authorize the said corporation to collect and receive
the same for its own benefit ; should any such corporation
at any time have deposited with said treasurer more than
the amount hereby required, such excess may be refunded.
85 F. In case any such corporation, now or hereafter
doing business in this State not chartered under the
authority of this State, shall refuse or neglect to make the