County .................................................
No. 697. An act to add two additional sections to article II
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Anne
Arundel County," sub-title " Oysters," to be designated as
section 188 A, aud 188 B ...................................
No. 698. An act to add an additional section to the Code of
Public Local Laws, article 9, title " Charles County," sub-
title "Roads and Bridges," to follow after section 160, and
to be designated, as sections 160 A and 160 B to license per-
sons engaged in hauling heavy timbers for commercial pur-
poses over the public roads of said county..................
No. 700. An act to incorporate a Turnpike and Tramway Com-
pany to be known as the Baltimore and Washington Turn-
pike and Tramway Company .............................
No. 701. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments new
section one hundred and sixty-six, of article thirty-three, of
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title " Elec-
tions," as enacted by the act of eighteen hundred and
ninety, chapter five' hundred and thirty-eight..............
No. 702. An act to repeal aud re-enact with amendments sec-
tion two hundred and seventeen of article twenty -three, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title " Corporations," sub-
title " Religious Corporations," aud to add an additional
section thereto, to be amended section 217 A...............
No. 703. An act to repay to Charles Simon, Jr., and Adolph
Simon executor of the last will aud testament of Johauna
W. Simon, late of Baltimore City, deceased, taxes paid by
Mrs. Johanna W. Simon, in her life-time in error ..........
No. 704. An act to provide for the assessment and collection
of a tax upon distilled spirits .............................
No. 705. An act to incorporate the Baltimore, East Baltimore
and North Point Railroad Company .......................