ments," sub-title "Destroying Property Maliciously," as
enacted by the act of 1890, chapter 498.....................
No. 629. An act to refund to Thomas H. Harrison late collector
of State taxes, for Calvert County a sum of money erro-
neously paid by him into the treasury....................
No. 630. An act to add a new section to article 4 to the Code of
Public Local Laws, title " City of Baltimore " under a uew
sub-title to be called sub-title "Oysters,"and to be known
as section 704 A, relating to the licensing of measurers of
oysters in the city of Baltimore and their compensation.......
No. 631. An act to add au additional section to article
twenty-seven of the Code of Public General Laws relating
to crimes and punishments under the sub-heading "Fraud
by Drivers of Cabs or Hackney Carriages."..................
No. 632. An act to authorize and require the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County, to make a special levy of
not more than twenty cents ou each one hundred dollars, of
the assessable property in the village of Mount Washing-
ton, in Baltimore County, for the purpose of bettering the
roads, sidewalks, sanitary measures, drainage and other
improvements in said village, if twenty -five or more persons
owning taxable property in said village shall petition
annually therefor .......................................
No. 633. An act to provide for the separate codification of the
statute and commou law defining the jurisdiction of justices
of the peace and the oneuces cognizable by said justice with
the respective penalties thereto attached .................
No. 635. An act to authorize the mayor and common council
of the city of Westminster to issue its bonds or certificates
of indebtedness to an amount not exceeding fifteen thou-
sand dollars, for the purpose of providing means for the
grading, paving or macadamizing the streets in the city of
Westminster and construction of sewers ..................
No. 636. An act to repeal section 5 of act 05 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Militia," and to re-enact the
same with amendments...................................
No. 637. An act to repeal aud re-enact with amendments sec-
tions 111 and 112 of article 16 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title "Chancery." sub-title "Non-
No. 638. An act granting the consent of the State of Mary-
land to the acquisition of certaiu lands within said State by
the United States or by States or historical societies for the
purpose of erecting monuments and of properly marking the
positions of the different commands engaged in the battles
of Antietam and of the Monocacy and for preserving said
battle fields for historical purposes...........................
No. 639. A n act to provide for the destruction of fruit trees in