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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1028   View pdf image (33K)
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eight, chapter eighty -four, act passed at session of eighteen

hundred and seventy -eight, chapter four hundred and thirty-

six, providing for the appointment of new commissioners,

and defining their powers and duties .......................


No. 359. An act to enlarge and define the taxable limits of

Frederick City, to establish certain avenues, streets at the

Boulevard as at present located, to fix the grade and

macadamize the same, to provide water facilities in the

northwestern addition to Frederick, and to repeal section

two hundred and fifty-four of article eleven of the Code of

Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Frederick County,"

sub -title "Frederick," and to enact a substitute in lieu



No. 360. An act to repeal section one of chapter 176 of the

acts of 1886, as said section is codified in article 2 of the

Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County,"

sub-title "Wild Fowl," and in article 17 of the Code of

Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's County," sub-

title "Wild Fowl," said section being codified iu said article 2

as section 244, and in article 17 as section 329, and to re-

enact the same with amendments, and to add a new section

to said article 2 and 17 to be designated in article 2 as section

244 A, and in article 17 to be designated as section 329 A...


No. 36L An act authorizing and directing the County Com-

missioners of Carroll County to refund to the Westminster

Water Company taxes improperly paid by said compauy.....


No. 362. An act to incorporate the Union Credit Company of

Baltimore City ..................................


No. 363. An act to ratify, confirm, and make valid acts and

proceedings of the directors of the Union Bridge Water

Company iu Carroll County, Maryland, in borrowing money

to fully complete the water works of said company ........


No. 364. An act to authorize the Governor to appoint an addi-

tional justice of the peace for the first election district of

Cecil County.............................................


No. 365. An act to repeal sections one and two of chapter four

hundred and ninety, passed at the January session of the

General Assembly of Maryland, for the year eighteen hun-

dred and ninety, entitled an act to add additional sections

to article thirteen of the Code of Public Local Laws of this

State, title "Harford County," sub-title "Wild Fowl," to

be designated sections three hundred and sixteen, three

hundred and seventeen and three hundred and eighteen.......


No. 366. An act to provide for the number and terms of the

County Commissioners of Washington County by virtue of

article 7, section 1, of the constitution of Maryland as

amended ................................................


No. 367. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1028   View pdf image (33K)
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