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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1023   View pdf image (33K)
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Public Local Laws, title "Baltimore City," to be known as

section 148 A, under the sub-title of condemnation authoriz-

ing the mayor and city council to condemn property for

public purposes, and to provide methods of condemnation....


No. 308. An act to authorize the " Commissioners of Brooke-

ville," in Montgomery County, to incur a debt for the pur-

pose of paving the side-walks of said town...................


No. 309. An act to repeal section 743 of article 4 of the Code

of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title

"Police " and to re-enact the same with amendments, and

to add an additional section to said article 4 to be numbered

743 A, and to come in after section 743....................


No. 310. An act prescribing the regulations and conditions

upon which the Board of Public Works shall sell the State's

interest in all works of internal improvement, whether as a

stockholder or creditor, and also the State's interest in any

banking corporation, as authorized by section three of article

twelve of the constitution as proposed to be amended by the

act of eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter three hundred

and sixty-two, and adopted by the people at the general

election on November third, eighteen hundred and ninety-

one, and to appropriate a sum of money for carrying this

act into effect...........................................


No. 311. An act in relation to the sentences of convict minors.


No. 312. An act to repeal and re-enact section eighty-six of

article seventeen of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled

"Prince George's County," sub-title "County Commission-

ers " and to add one additional section to be designated

86 A, 86 B, to read as follows :........ ..................


No. 313. An act to add an additional section to article four

of the constitution of this State...........................


No. 314. An act to incorporate the Patapsco Tile Company of

Baltimore City, Maryland........................


No. 315. An act to provide for the enrollment of the Veteran

corps of the Fifth Maryland Regiment......................


No. 316. An act to repeal the first and third sections of the

article of incorporation of the Hitlsborough Methodist

Episcopal Church South and to re-enact the first section

with amendments....... ................................


No. 317. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sec-

tion thirty-nine of article one of the Code of Public Local

Laws, title "Allegany County," sub-title "County Treas-

urer," and to add three new sections to said article to follow

immediately after section thirty-nine, to be designated as

section thirtv nine A, thirty-nine B, and thirty-nine C.........


No. 318. An act to authorize the trustees of the Johns Hopkins

University, a corporation incorporated under the General

Laws of Maryland to make and constitute the president for

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1023   View pdf image (33K)
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