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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1013   View pdf image (33K)
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waters of Back River, Seneca Creek, Seneca River, Salt

Petre River and Middle River and their tributaries in Balti-

more County..................................................

No. 203. An act to add a new section to article 17 of the

Code of Public Local Laws, title'" Prince George's County,"

sub -title " Roads," to follow immediately after section 278,

to be designated as section 278 A, and to repeal and

re-enact with amendments, section 280 of said article under

the same sub-title ........................................


No. 204. An act to repeal section two hundred and thirty-three

of article twenty-seven of the Code of Public General

Laws, title "Crimes and Punuishment," sub-title "Rape,"
and chapter four hundred and ten of the acts of Assembly

of eighteen hundred and ninety, and to re-enact the same

with amendments ............................................


No. 205. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments new

section one hundred and thirty-one of article thirty-three

of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Elections," as

enacted by the act of eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter

five hundred and thirty-eight..................................


No. 207. An act for the relief of the sureties upon the official

bouds of Stevenson Archer, late Treasurer of Maryland, and

for the settlement of the litigation on said bonds............


No. 208. An act to add an additional section to article 21 of

the Code of Public Local Laws of this State, title "Talbot

County," to be sub-titled " State's Attorney." .............


No. 210. An act to amend au act entitled "An act to incorporate

the Baltimore Traction Company of Baltimore City" and

to enable said company to use the electric power known as

the Trolley System for the propulsion of its cars upon its

railways .......................................................


No. 211. An act to add six additional sections to article six

of the Code of Public Local Laws, title " Caroline County,"

sub -title "County Treasurer," to follow section sixty -eight,

and to be called sixty -eight A, sixty -eight~B, sixty -eight C,

sixty -eight D, sixtv-eight E, and sixty-eight F .............


No. 212. An act to provide for the appointment of a commission

and for the collection, arrangement, and display, of the
products of the State of Maryland at the World's Columbian

Exposition of 1893, and to make an appropriation therefor.


No. 213. An act to authorize and empower the mayor and city

council of Baltimore to appropriate a sum of money not to

exceed ten thousand dollars, to the erection of a monument

in the said city of Baltimore, to the memory of Maryland

patriots and soldiers of the war of the American Revolution .


No. 215. An act to make valid the appointment of register of

voters and the board of supervisors of elections in the city

of Hagerstown and the entries made, acts done and pro-

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1013   View pdf image (33K)
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