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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1011   View pdf image (33K)
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the sale and the granting of licenses for the sale of spirituous

and fermented liquors in Baltimore County," and to re-enact

the same with amendments ..............................


No. 178. An act to add an additional section to the Code of

Public Local Laws, entitled "Washington County," sub"-

title " County Commissioners," to be kuown as section 117 A.


No. 179. An act to legalize and make valid two books, entitled

Plats No. 1 and Plats No. 2 respectively in the office of the

clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County ...........


No. 180. An act to amend an act entitled "An act incorpo-

rating the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery," passed

Feb. 1st, 1840, chapter 155, as amended by an act passed

1870, chapter 149 ...........................................


No. 181. An act to provide for an additional justice of the

peace in the third election district of Harford County ......


No. 182. An act to provide for the selecting, drawing and

summoning of jurors for Anne Arundel County ........


No. 183. An act to authorize and require the County Commis-

sioners of Baltimore County to make a special levy of uot

more than twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of the

assessable real estate in the village of Lutherville, Balti-

more County, for the purpose of improving the roads in said

village, if twenty-five or more persons owning taxable real

estate in said village shall petition thereof .................


No. 184. An act further to amend an act entitled " An act to

incorporate the ' Baltimore City Passenger Railway Com-

pany,' " and to enable said company to create capital stock

representing betterments and additions heretofore made to

its property and distribute the same among shareholders.....


No. 185. An act to authorize aud empower the Board of Police

Commissioners for the city of Baltimore to purchase or lease

ground in the 21st and 22nd wards of said city or either of

them, and to have erected thereon a- suitable station house

or station houses ; to have the title thereof vested in the

mayor and city council of Baltimore City, and to pay the

cost and expenses thereof out of the special fund of the said

Board of Police Commissioners .............................


No. 186. An act to add an additional section to article 4 of the

Public Local Laws, title City of Baltimore," sub-title

" Courts," to be known as section 173 A, providing for the

practice in certain cases in the Baltimore City Courts.......


No. 188. An act to amend article twenty -three of the Code of

Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled " Corporations,"

sub-title " Turnpikes, Plank Roads and Passenger Rail-

way Companies," by adding a ilew section thereto, to be

known as section two hundred and thirty-six A..............


No. 189. An act to repeal sections two hundred and two to two

hundred and fifteen, both inclusive of article twenty-f our of

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Session Laws, 1892
Volume 397, Page 1011   View pdf image (33K)
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