No. 527. An act for the incorporation of the Baltimore cactus society
of Baltimore city .............................................................
No. 528. An act to repeal sections one hundred and sixty-eight, one
hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and seventy-one, one hundred
and seventy-two, one hundred and seventy-three and one hundred
and seventy-four, of article eighteen, of the Code of Public Local
Laws for Queen Anne's county, title "Queen Anne's county," snb-
"Fish and Terrapins," so far as the same relates to the waters of
Eastern bay and its tributaries, within the jurisdictional limits of
Queen Anne's county, and enact the following sections in lieu
thereof, regulating the taking, catching and capturing of fish within
said waters........................................................................
No. 529. An act to repeal section one hundred and ninety-one, article
ten, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester county,"
sub-title "Jail," and to re-enact the same with amendments ...........
No. 530. An act to authorize the mayor and council of Oakland to
issue coupon interest bearing bonds for the purpose of providing a
fund to pay the floating debt of the mayor and council of Oakland,
and to improve the streets of said town, and to levy a tax on the
assessable property within said town to pay said bonds and the in-
terest thereon....................................................................
No. 531. An act to repeal section thirty-five, of article ten, of the Code
of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title "Birds
and Game," and re-enact the same with amendments...................
No. 532. An act to repeal sections two hundred and sixty and two
hundred and sixty-one, of article two, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel county," sub-title "Wild Fowl," and
re-enact the same with amendments.......... . ..... . ......
No. 533. An act to repeal section eight, of article fifty-one, or the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Juries," and to
re-enact the same with amendments....... ........ ... ...............
No. 534. An act to prevent and punish the carrying of concealed
weapons on the person in Baltimore city by adding an additional
section to the Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore,"
sub-title "Police," to be numbered "Seven hundred and forty-
two A.".... . .... ....... .. .... .. .. ....................... ..
No. 535. An act to repeal sections two hundred ahd twenty-two, two
hundred and twenty-three, two hundred and twenty-nine and two
hundred and thirty-five, of article two, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Anne Arundel county," sub-title "Treasurer," and to
re-enact the same with amendments, and to add an additional section
to said sub-title, to come in after section two hundred and thirty-
six, and to be designated as "Section two hundred and thirty-six A,"
so as to provide for election of the treasurer for Anne Arundel
county by the qualified voters of said county, and to regulate the
fees and salary of the treasurer and other officers employed by