county, to refund to John W. Day of said county, certain sums of
money erroneously paid into the county treasury.......................
No. 468. An act to authorize the mayor and city council of Baltimore
to appropriate a sum of money to purchase such portions of turn-
pike as lie within the present limits of Baltimore..... .................
No. 469. An act to appropriate certain sums of money to the support
of sundry schools and charitable institutions in the State of Mary-
land, for each of the two fiscal years ending on the thirtieth day of
September, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and the thirtieth day of
September, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, respectively, and to
pay sundry claims against the State.. ...................................
No. 470. An act to make punishable a minor or persons under twenty-
one years of age who shall obtain from another any spirituous or
fermented liquors by knowingly and wilfully misrepresenting his
age.................................................................. ................
No. 471. An act to direct the attorney-general of the State to take
such steps as are necessary, to obtain a' decision of the supreme
court of the United States, as to the scope and effect of the "com-
pact" of seventeen hundred and eighty-five, and to employ additional
counsel, with approbation of the governor, and to appropriate a
sum of money therefor.........................................................
No. 472. An act to add an additional section to article sixteen, of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Chancery," sub-
title "Non-residents," to follow section one hundred and twelve,
and to be known as "Section one hundred and twelve A."...........
No. 473. An act to repeal sectoons two hundred and ninety and two
two hundred and ninety-one, of article ten, of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Dorchester county," sub-title "Ter-
rapins," and to re-enact the same with amendments.......... ....
No. 474. An act to enable the registered qualified voters of Cecil
county to determine by ballot, whether spirituous or fermented
liqnors or cider shall not be sold in said county, or shall be sold
only as hereinafter described, and to repeal all acts inconsistent
herewith............................. ......................................... .
No. 475. An act to repeal section thirty-seven, of article twelve, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Garrett county," sub-title "County
Commissioners," and to re-enact the same with amendments .... :..
No. 476. An act for the better protection of fish, crabs, oysters and
terrapins in the waters of Talbot county..................................
No. 477. An act to repeal section thirteen, of article fifty-six, of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Licenses," sub-title "Brokers,"
and to re-enact the same with amendments...............................
No. 478. An act to enlarge and extend the powers and franchises of
the Workingmen's building and loan association of St. Michael's,
Talbot county, so as to enable it to make loans on promissory notes
and io purchase evidences of debt...........................................
No. 479. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments chapter