General Laws of Maryland, article thirty-five, title "Evidence," to
be known as "Section sixty-one."............................................
No. 319. An act to prohibit horses, cattle and other domestic animals
from going at large on the public roads or streets in the village of
Liberty, in Frederick county, Maryland, and on the public roads
within half a mile of the methodist protestant church in said vil-
No. 320. An act to repeal section one hundred and eighty-eight, of
article sixteen, of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Chancery," sub-title "Sales," relating to the sale of real estate
where the personal estate is insufficient to pay the debts of the de-
cedent, and to re-enact the same with amendments......................
No. 321. An act to amend article fifty-eight, of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Live stock," by the addition thereto of another
section, to follow section eighteen of said article, and to be num-
bered section nineteen ... .................................................
No. 322. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section three
hundred and sixty-eight, of article eleven, of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick county," sub-title "Mid-
dletown," and to add to said article the following sections to be
designated "Section three hundred and seventy-three A, section
three hundred and seventy-three B, section three hundred and
seventy-three C and section three hundred and seventy-three D....
No. 323. An act to incorporate the Maryland State teachers associa-
tion ............................................................. ........... .....
No. 324. An act to amend sections twenty-four and forty-seven, of
article seventy-seven, of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Public education."......... ........................... .. ... ........
No. 325. An act to amend the charter, change the name of, and grant
additional powers to "The trustees of the woman's college of Balti-
more city," a corporation incorporated under the General Laws of
Maryland .......................... ........ ...................................
No. 326. An act entitled an act to amend the charter, change the
name of and grant additional powers to "The centenary biblical in-
stitute of the methodist episcopal church of Baltimore city," a
corporation incorporated under the General Laws of Maryland ......
No. 327. An act to repeal sections six hundred and thirty-four, six
hundred and thirty-five, six hundred and thirty-six, six hundred
and thirty-seven, six hundred and thirty-eight, six hundred and
thirty-nine and six hundred and forty, of article four, of the Pub-
lic Local Laws, title "Baltimore city," sub-ti^le "Landlord and
tenant," and to re-enact the same with amendments......... .......
No. 328. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of
William F. Williams... ......... ............ ............................
No. 329. An act to provide for recording mortgages in Garrett county
in a separate book, and authorize the clerk of the circuit court to
purchase an index book and to index all mortgages in said county