and twenty-eight, chapter one hundred, and re-enact the same with
No. 296. An act to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer at Park Mills, Fred-
erick county, Maryland, or at any place within said Frederick
county, within two miles in every direction from Park Mills.........
No. 297. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Doctor Charles
Combs, of St. Mary's county, for medical services rendered to sailors
wounded by State police force.................. ............................
No. 298. An act to build and establish a free bridge over Tuckahoe
river, formerly Tuckahoe creek, at or near Horsey's landing, in
Caroline county, and to provide for free travel between Caroline
and Talbot counties ...........................................................
No. 299. An act to authorize the conveyance and transfer of the
property, money, funds, &c., of the trustees of the Centreville
academy of Queen Anne's county to the board of school commis-
sioners of said county for the purpose of establishing and main-
taining a high school in said town of Centreville, in and for the
third election district of said county.......................................
No. 300. An act to repeal section one hundred and fifty-five, of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled
"Carroll county," sub-title "Taneytown," and re-enact the same so
as to read as follows........................ ....................... .........
No. 301. An act to repeal sections one hundred and fifty-five and one
hundred and fifty-six, of article eight, of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Cecil county," sub-title "Fences," and to
enact to the following sections in lieu thereof, and to add the fol-
lowing new sections to said article to be known as "Sections one
hundred and fifty-six A, one hundred and fifty-six B." . .......
No. 302. An act to repeal section one hundred and eight, of article
seventeen, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's
county," sub-title "County Treasurer," and to re-enact the same
with amendments ........................................... ............
No. 303. An act to add an additional section to article twelve, of the
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Garrett county," sub-title
"County Commissioners," authorizing the county commissioners to
levy money to the mayor and council of Oakland, said section to
follow section forty-one and to be numbered forty-one and a half...
No. 304. An act to repeal section eighty-six, of article fifty-six, of
the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Licenses," sub-title
"Penalties," relating to the sale of liquors to minors, and to re-
enact the same with amendments by substituting in lieu thereof the
following sections to be designated "Section eighty-six A., and eighty-
six B."........... ...................................... ........................
No. 305. An act to provide for the refunding and extension at a rate
not higher than three and sixty-five hundredths per centum inter-
est per annum of certain debts of this State, payable before the