"Bills of exchange and promissory notes," and to re-enact the same
with an amendment .. ......... ... .................................
No. 239. An act to repeal section three, of article ninety-nine, of- the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Wild fowl, birds and game,"
and to re-enact the same with amendments......... ..................
No. 240. An act to appropriate a sum of money for introducing steam
radiators into the old library of the State house and for repairing
said library ............. .................... .................................
No. 241. An act appropriating the sum of money therein mentioned
to refund to Virginia C. Massie, administratrix, of John W. Massie,
late of Baltimore city, deceased, being certain moneys by him er-
roneously paid to the register of wills of Baltimore city, as execu-
tor of "Winfield M. Simpson, of Baltimore city, deceased, as the
State tax on executors' commissions, in pursuance of article eighty-
one, section ninety-seven, of the Code of Public General Laws of
the State of Maryland........................................................
No. 242. An act to amend article fifteen, of the declaration of rights
of the constitution of this State............................................
No. 243. An act to ratify and confirm the act of eighteen hundred
and eighty-eight, chapter seventy-four, adopting and legalizing the
Code of Public General Laws and Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, prepared by John Prentiss Poe in pursuance of the acts
of eighteen hundred and eighty-six, chapter three hundred and
two, and declaring the same to be the Code of Public General Laws
and Public Local Laws of this State, and also directing the codifi-
cation of the public acts of the session of eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight by said John Prentiss Poe, and the incorporation
thereof in said code in a reprint thereof to be made by him.........
No. 244. An act to add five new sections to article eighty-one, of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Revenue and taxes," sub-title
"Payment of taxes by corporations," to come in after section eighty-
eight, and to be severally designated as "Sections eighty-eight A,
eighty-eight B, eighty-eight C, eighty-eight D and eighty-eight E."
No. 245. An act to provide for State taxation on the revenues of
foreign, telegraph, cable, express or transportation and railroad cor-
poration or companies accruing from business done in the State of
Maryland...... ....... .......................... ...........................
No. 246. An act to amend the charter of the. German bank of Balti-
more city in respect to its directors.........................................
No. 248. An act to authorize the county commissioners of Kent
county to borrow the sum of five, thousand dollars for the purpose
of paying cash for work on the public road, and to provide for the
payment of the same by levy in the year eighteen hundred and
ninety .............................................................. ............
No. 249. An act to exempt the property devised by the late Hester
Ann Ridout of the city of Annapolis, to establish a "Home" for