grading and sodding the public grounds around the State library
annex and constructing the necessary pavements thereon... .......
No. 219. An act to further amend the charter of the Baltimore and
Drum Point railroad company in regard to the construction of
branches, and to enable the said company to lease, operate or to
consolidate with other railroads .......................... ................
No. 220. An act to amend article twenty-three, of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Corporations," sub-title "Railroad companies,"
by adding thereto a new section to follow section one hundred and
sixty-seven, and to be designated as "section one hundred and sixty-
seven A," providing for the use by any other railroad company of
the abandoned or unused rights of way or location of railroad
companies ........................................................................
No. 221. An act to enable the trustees of the methodist episcopal
church in Chestertown to hold certain real estate ......................
No. 222. An act to refund to the Adams Express company the State
license tax paid by said company under the act of eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and seventy, the said
license tax having been declared unconstitutional by the supreme
court of the United States. . .. ................. ..... .. ........
No. 223. An, act to add an additional section to article twenty-seven,
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Punish-
ments," sub-title "Fraud, warehouse, storage and elevator receipts,"
to come in after section one hundred and nineteen of said article,
and to be designated as "Section one hundred and nineteen A," re-
lating to the fraudulent use of elevator and other receipts .........
No. 224. An act to repeal sections sixty-one, sixty-nine and seventy-
four, of article twenty-three, of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Mayland, title "Wicomico county," sub-title "Liquors and intoxi-
cating drinks," and to re-enact the same with amendments ...... .
No. 225. An act providing for more rapid transit upon the railways
of the president, managers and company of the Baltimore and
Yorktown turnpike road, and enlarging the powers of the said cor-
poration.................................................. ......................
No. 226. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of
Jacob H. Medairy and company for stationery furnished for the
use of the executive department and the court of appeals for the
years eighteen hundred and eighty-eight and eighteen hundred and
eighty-nine, and for the use of the General Assembly of eighteen
hundred and ninety..................................... ..... .............
No. 227. An act to provide for the appropriation of a sum of money
which together with the unexpended balance in the State treasury
will suffice for the payment of outstanding claims for work and
labor done and materials furnished in the erection of the annex to
the State house at Annapolis .................................................
No. 228. An act to appropriate a sum of money to defray the ex-
penses of the commission appointed to settle the disputed questions