three, one hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and eighty-seven
and one hundred and ninety-two, of article thirteen, of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Harford county," sub-title "Havre-de-
Grace," and to re-enact the same with amendments......................
No. 181. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Maryland annual
conference of the methodist protestant church ......... ...............
No. 182. An act to repeal chapter one hundred and ninety, of the acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January session of
eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, entitled an act to authorize and
empower A. H. Dowden, register of wills for Allegany county, to
re-index administration and guardian accounts in the general index
an the register of wills office for said county, and to re-enact the
same with amendments....... ...............................................
No. 183. An act to create a treasurer for Calvert county and to pro-
vide for the collection of taxes therein................................. .....
No. 184. An act to authorize and empower the county commissioners
of Wicomico county, in their discretion to build a bridge across
Shile's creek, in Tyaskin district, in said county, and to levy a sum
of money not exceeding ($500,) five hundred dollars on the assess-
able property of said county for the purpose of building said
bridge................................ ................. .......... ..........
No. 185. An act to authorize the Chesapeake and Ohio canal com-
pany to lease its canal and all its works to the Washington and
Cumberland railroad company, and to waive and release all the
hens of this State upon said canal and all its property in favor of
said lessee ....................................................................
No. 186. An act to amend and change the boundary lines of the
ninth, eleventh, twelfth and twentieth wards of the city of Balti-
more as now defined by an ordinance of the mayor and city council
of Baltimore, number thirty-six, approved April sixth, eighteen
hundred and eighty-two, and passed in conformity with the require-
ments of an act of the General Assembly of Maryland, chapter two,
approved February six, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled
an act to provide for the 're-division of the city of Baltimore into
election precincts, wards and legislative districts, and also to pro-
vide for the sub-division of said ninth, eleventh, twelfth and
twentieth wards into election precincts...................................
No. 187. An act to add an additional section to article sixty-six, of
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Mortgages,"
to be numbered section twenty-three, legalizing and making valid
sales made under powers of sale contained in mortgages by persons
not named therein as persons to make said sales, but nominated and
appointed by the mortgagees, their successors or assigns, or by the
executors or administrators of such mortgagees or their assigns, by
powers of attorney executed subsequently to default and supposed
and intended to be in conformity with section five, of article sixty-