auction, for cash, after giving ten days notice in some newspaper
published in said county; and the said sheriff shall make a report
in writing of said sale to the justice or court ordering the same.
SUB-SEC. 5-5. And be it enacted, That from any judgment of
forfeiture of any canoe, boat or vessel by any justice of the peace,
the owner or any person having a lien of record against said canoe,
boat or vessel, shall have the right of appeal to the circuit court
of said county; provided, said appeal be taken within thirty days
from the date of judgment appealed from; but the said canoe,
boat or vessel shall not be released unless the party appealing
shall give the bond provided for in section three of this act, for
the release of vessels seized.
SUB-SEC. 6-6. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the
residents of said county to catch or take oysters with tongs in the
waters of said county, as restricted and regulated by the provisions
of the general oyster law of this State; provided, that the time
or season for so taking oysters in said waters shall be from the
first day of September to the first day of May.
SUB-SEC. 7-7. And be it enacted, That any licensed tongman,
while his license is in force, shall be and is hereby vested with
May act as
full power and authority as an officer, to execute all writs directed
to him by any justice of the peace under this act, and to arrest
without warrant, any person engaged in violating section one of
this act, in his view.
SUB-SEC. 8-8. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
against whom a writ may be issued under this act, shall flee from
justice, so that the officer to whom said writ is directed cannot
serve the same, the justice issuing said writ shall return the same
with the witnesses endorsed on the back to the clerk of the cir-
cuit court for said county, prior to the next grand jury term of
said court; and the party or parties named in said writ may be
proceeded against by indictment in said circuit court.
SUB-SEC. 9-9. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sales
of forfeited canoes, boats or vessels shall be paid by the sheriff to
the treasurer of the school board of said county for the benefit of
public schools.
SUB-SEC. 10-10. And be it enacted, That any officer to whom
a writ is directed under this act shall have power to summon a
Posse com-
posse comitatus to assist him in executing said writ
SUB-SEC. 11-11. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of
acts inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed.
SUB-SEC. 12-12. And be it enacted, That all pending prosecu-
tions for violation of acts or parts of acts repealed by this act,
shall be prosecuted and proceeded with to final determination as
if this act had not been passed; and if any violation of acts or
parts of acts repealed by this act have been committed and no
prosecution or other proceeding has been commenced against the