vices rendered by them under the provisions of this act; and the
said justices shall be entitled to charge for their respective ser-
vices in said criminal cases, the following fees : for issuing each
State writ, twenty-five cents; for each summons for witnesses, in-
cluding all the witnesses ordered by the same party or side, at one
time, twenty-five cents; provided, that if more than five witnesses
be ordered by the same party or side, at one time, then the justice
of the peace shall be entitled to receive twenty-five cents addi-
tional for each additional five witnesses, or less than five so sum-
moned; for every oath or affidavit, ten cents; for each hearing or
trial, one dollar; for every commitment, twenty-five cents; for
every release, twenty-five cents; for taking recognizance in each
case reported to the circuit court, twenty-five cents; for taking
recognizance in each case for hearing or trial before a justice of
the peace, twenty-five cents; for taking recognizance of all the
witnesses in any one case, twenty-five cents each; provided, that
no recognizance for the appearance of any witness shall be taken,
unless the justice of the peace be satisfied that the same is abso-
lutely necessary to secure the ends of justice, and the attendance
of such witnesses; for each attachment for contempt, twenty-five
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid fees of said con-
stables and justices for said county, shall be taxed against and
paid by the party against whom judgment shall be rendered, un-
How to be
less he or she be discharged therefrom by due course of law; if
such party against whom judgment is rendered is unable to pay
the same, such fees shall be paid by said county, and that all fines
and penalties received by any justice under the provisions of this
act, shall be accounted for and wholly paid without abatement or
deduction therefrom by such justice to the county commissioners
of the said county, for the use of said county, and no part of any
fine or penalty enforced or collected under the provisions of this
act shall be paid to any informer.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts, in-
consistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same are here-
by repealed.
Approved April 8, 1890.