of Oliver Watkins and Jason P. Warthen to the lands of N. J.
Burdett; thence west with the dividing line between the lands of
Jason P. Warthen and S. J. Burdett to the land of John R,
Mount; thence with the dividing line between the lands of N. J.
Burdett and John B. Mount, west to the lands of Walter Hilton;
thence with the dividing line between the lands of N. J. Burdett
and Walter Hilton north one hundred yards; thence west by a
straight line through the lands of Walter Hilton across the pub-
lic road leading from Damascus to Mount Airy to the dividing
line between the lands of Walter Hilton and John T. Sheckells;
thence with the dividing line between the lands of John T
Sheckells and Walter Hilton to the lands of C. W. Day; and
thence by a straight line southwest through the lands of John T.
Sheckells and M. Watkins to the northwest corner of the lot of
James E. Day of Jefferson; thence south with the line of said lot to
the southwest corner of the same; thence by a straight line across
the lands of Jesse L. Burns to the lands of P. B. Souder; thence by
a straight line through the lands of P. B. Souder southwest to the
town spring; thence by a straight line southwest to the southwest
corner of Alfred C. Warthen's lot, through the lands of P. B.
Souder and A. C. Warthen; thence by a straight line east through
the lands of P. B. Souder, J. W. Smith and P. M. Smith, across
the public road leading from Damascus to Clarksburg, and the
road leading from Damascus to Woodfield, to the lands of Wil-
liam A. Mullinix; thence by a straight line across the lands of
William A. Mullinix northeast to the beginning.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the male citizens of Damascus, of
the age of twenty-one years and upwards, who have resided in said
town for six months next preceding the election, shall, on the first
Monday of May annually, elect three freeholders, who have re-
sided in said town for six months next preceding said election, as
commissioners of Damascus, to serve for one year, or until their
successors shall be elected and qualified; they shall receive no pay
for their services.
SEC. 4. Be it enacted, That the commissioners shall, at their
first meeting after an election, elect one of their number to be
president of the board, and all vacancies in the board of commis-
sioners shall be filled by an election held, after ten days notice
given by the remaining commissioners.
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall meet
To meet
in said town on or before the first Monday in June succeeding
their election, and from time to time as occasion may require.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That the commissioners shall annually
appoint a clerk, who shall keep the minutes of the proceedings in
a well bound book, which shall be open to the inspection of all
persons interested therein, and shall perform such other duties as
the commissioners may assign him.