estate situated in said county equal, at least, over and above their
debts and liabilities in value" to the amount of the bond; the said
commissioners may at any time demand of any treasurers such
other or further bond, with such other or further security as in
their judgment the interest of the State and county may require.
44. The county commissioners shall provide and furnish the
treasurer an office in the court house building, or in some other
building as near the same as possible, in the town of Oakland,
which office shall be plainly designated by external sign as the
office of the county treasurer; and it shall be the duty of the
treasurer to keep his said office open from nine o'clock in the
forenoon until three o'clock in the afternoon, and to attend therein
for the transaction of business by person or by deputy, on every
day in the week, except Sundays and legal holidays, and except
when he is absent from the town of Oakland for the purpose of
collecting taxes as hereinafter provided; it shall be his duty to
attend iu person or by deputy, in each election district of said
county at least two days between the first day of July and the
first day of September in each year, to collect and receive taxes ;
To collect.
and he shall give at least two weeks notice of the times and places
of such visits to the respective districts by handbills announcing
the same, conspicuously posted in three public places in each elec-
tion district of said county, and by advertisement in two news-
papers published in said counties, and such handbills and adver-
tisements shall contain section forty-five of this article.
45. The county commissioners shall make their annual levy
for State and county taxes on or before the third Tuesday of
April in each and every year; all county taxes shall be due and
payable on the first day of September next succeeding the date
of the levy thereof; and on all county taxes paid on or before
the said first day of September, a discount of three per cent, shall
be allowed; and after the first day of January all taxes shall bear
interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum until paid; the
treasurer shall take the discount from and charge interest on the
tax-bills for county purposes regularly in the manner aforesaid,
and shall note the same upon his books and upon the receipt
given for taxes so paid; but the discount allowed on county taxes
by this section shall not be made to any person or corporate in-
stitution unless the whole amount of State and county taxes due
by such person or corporate institution for the current year be
paid when the same is made.
46. It shall be the duty of the clerk of said county commis-
sioners, within ten days after the annual tax levy shall have been
made, to deliver to the treasurer a fair copy of the assessment
A copy
lists of said county, showing the aggregate assessment of every
person, corporate institution or set of persons, as the same then