ties, who shall be men of approved integrity and capacity, and
none of whom shall hold office or employment under the govern-
ment of the United States or of the State of Maryland, and they
must not be candidates for office at the next ensuing election or
at any election within the term for which they or any of them
Board of
were appointed, who shall be styled the board of supervisors of
ors of elec-
election of the respective counties, each of said supervisors shall
receive an annual salary of twenty-five dollars, to be paid by the
county commissioners of the respective counties, and shall hold
office for two years from the date of his appointment, and shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties hereinafter set forth;
in case of a vacancy occurring in either of said boards when the
legislature is not in session, such vacancy shall be filled by the
governor; it shall be the duty of each of the said boards not later
than the second Monday of October in each year, to appoint three
persons for each election district or election precinct of their
coun ty, residents in and voters of such election district or elec-
Judges of
tion precinct, who, or a majority of whom shall be judges of
election for such election district or election precinct from the
time of their appointment and until a new appointment shall
have been made; and it shall be the duty of each of the said
boards in making their appointments of such judges of election
to select at least one of the said judges for each election district
and election precinct in their respective counties from among
those of the leading political parties different from themselves,
or a majority of themselves, if any of the said judges shall die,
resign or remove out of the election district or election precinct
for which he was appointed, or become otherwise, in the opinion
of the said respective boards, disqualified to act as such judge of
election, then the board of supervisors of elections in whose county
said vacancy may exist, shall appoint a person as judge for the
election district or election precinct in which such vacancy may
occur, each of the said boards of supervisors of elections shall
record every appointment so made in a book to be kept by them
for that purpose, and shall make out a warrant for such appoint-
ment, and shall within five days thereafter, deliver every such
warrant to the sheriff of the county, under the penalty of fifty
dollars, who shall deliver such warrant to the person appointed
as such judge of election, or leave the same at his last place of
abode within ten days next after the delivery of each of the said
warrants to him, under the penalty of fifty dollars; each of the
said boards of supervisors of election shall also appoint such
clerks and other officers of election as are now or may be here-
after required by law; said clerks or other officials to be ap-
pointed as provided in section one hundred and fifty-two, for
each of the election districts or election precincts of their
respective counties, being above the age of twenty- one years, re-
spectively, and of opposite political opinions, one from each of