other sections relative to the duties of the ballot clerks, voters and
others in and about the polling-rooms.
156. No person shall take or remove any ballot from the poll-
ing-place before the close of the polls; if any voter spoils a ballot
he may successively obtain others, one at a time, not exceeding
three in all, upon returning each spoiled one; the ballots thus
returned shall be immediately canceled, and together with those
not distributed to the voters, shall be preserved, and said undis-
tributed ballots and those thus cancelled shall be securely en-
veloped or wrapped, marked and sealed, and shall be delivered
by the return judges respectively, in the city of Baltimore, and
in the counties to the said respective boards of supervisors of
elections, within two days after the election, and they shall then
be destroyed; it shall be the duty of the ballot clerks to keep an
accurate account of all ballots delivered by them to voters, and
they shall account for and deliver to the return judge all the
ballots not delivered to voters.
157. Any voter who is blind, or who declares to the ballot
clerks that he caubot read, or that by reason of physical disa-
bility he is unable to mark his ballot, may apply to said two
ballot clerks to assist him in the marking thereof; each voter of
foreign birth, excepting those who speak English as their native
tongue, shall be allowed to select and bring with him, if he
chooses, to the rail, but not inside of it, one person versed in the
English language, to assist said voter in properly stating and
spelling his name in English, and in establishing his residence
Of foreign
and to aid him in understanding correctly any question that may
be asked him, such person to be permitted to remain in the poll-
ing-room outside the rail until said voter of foreign birth has
deposited his ballot.
158. If the voter marks more names than there are persons to
be elected to an office, or if for any reason it is impossible to
determine the voter's choice for any office to be filled, his ballot
shall not be counted for such office; no ballot without the official
Ballots not
endorsement and the initials of one of the ballot clerks shall be
to be count
allowed to be deposited in the ballot-box, or counted except in
the instances mentioned in section one hundred and fifty of this
article; ballots not counted shall be marked "defective" on the
back thereof, and shall be preserved and disposed of in the same
manner as the rejected ballots.
159. It shall be the duty of the board of police commissioners
in the city of Baltimore, before the commencement of the next
registration of voters therein, to establish precincts for voting
therein, conforming to the legislative and congressional districts
as established by law, so that each precinct shall, as near as may
be contain not more than six hundred voters, and from time to
time to make such of one or more precincts, or other changes in