which polled the largest number of votes at the last preceding
general election; the compensation of the ballot clerks shall be
the same as that of judges of election; before proceeding to act
they shall take and subscribe an oath (or affirmation), if they be
conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath in the form follow-
ing : I will not attempt to ascertain, save in cases and in the man-
ner in which I am authorized by law to do, for what candidate
or candidates any person shall vote or have voted, or how any
person shall vote or has voted on any question which may be or
may have been submitted to the vote of the people, and if such
knowledge shall be acquired by me in the performance of my
duty, I will not directly or indirectly, by word or act divulge or
reveal the same, or aid in doing so, save when I may be required
to do so by law in some legal proceeding, and I will in all things
faithfully execute the duties of my office of ballot clerk accord-
ing to the best of my knowledge, without favor or partiality, so
help me God. The proceedings of the board of supervisors of
election in the city of Baltimore, with reference to the advertise-
ment of names of the appointees for said ballot clerks, and of the
hearing and disposal of complaints in regard to them, and the
filling of vacancies in the office shall be the same as now provided
by law in reference to the judges of election; the obligation to
serve as such clerks, and the penalty for refusal to serve shall be
the same as now provided by law in regard to judges of election
in like case, as well in the several counties as in the city of Balti-
more respectively, and any person having served as ballot clerk
shall not be obliged to serve again for three years thereafter;
warrants shall be issued to said ballot clerks in the same manner
and by the same persons as to the judges of election; the two
ballot clerks appointed above for each district or precinct polling-
place, shall on the morning of the election and after the ballots
have been opened by the return judge, receive the same from the
charge of
judges of election and have charge thereof, and shall furnish
them to the voters in the manner hereinafter set forth; if any
ballot clerk shall fail to appear at the opening of the polls, or be,
or become unable to serve, the vacancy shall be filled in the same
manner as now provided by law for a like vacancy in the office of
judge of election or clerk.
153. The said board of supervisors of election respectively, shall
cause each polling-place to be suitably provided with a sufficient
Shall pro-
vide vot-
number of voting shelves or compartments, at or in which voters
ing shelves
may conveniently mark their ballots, so that in marking thereof
they may be in sight but be screened from the observation of
others, and a guard-rail shall be so constructed and placed that
only such persons as are inside said rail can approach within six
feet of the ballot-boxes, and of such voting shelves or compart-
ments; the arrangements shall be such that neither the ballot-
boxes nor the voting shelves or compartments shall be hidden