AN ACT to repeal section eight, of article fifty-one, of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Juries," and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That section eight, of article fifty-one, of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Juries," be and the same is hereby repealed
and re- enacted so as to read as follows :
SEC. 8. When said list of names selected as directed in the pre-
ceding section is made and certified as therein provided for, im-
mediately thereupon the said judges of the said respective courts,
in the presence of the members of the bar as aforesaid and such
other persons as may think proper to be present, shall cause all
the names selected and placed on the list as aforesaid to be legibly
written upon ballots, which shall be of equal size and of the same
color and appearance, and shall be closely rolled or folded, and
in each of the counties, except Baltimore, Frederick and Mont-
gomery counties, placed by the said judges with their own hands
immediately before the drawings herein provided for, into a cubi-
form box with a sliding top of the square of eight inches, to be
procured for that purpose by the clerk of said clerk under the
direction of the said judges, and after so depositing said ballots
the said box shall be closed, and the said judges shall then cause
the clerk, or one of his deputies, whom the said judges shall
designate, neither the one nor the other who may be so required
to act to be present at the writing, rolling or folding and deposit-
ing said ballots into the box as herein directed, to appear before
them and then and there in the presence of the said judges and
such other persons as may choose to be present, after well and
thoroughly shaking said box so that the ballots be well mixed,
to draw from said box through such opening made by removing
the sliding top thereof as will only conveniently admit the hand
and without in any manner looking into said box, one by one, forty-
eight of said ballots; and the names appearing on said ballots as
drawn, shall be duly recorded by said judges, or by the clerk, in
their presence and under their direction in the order in which
they shall be drawn; and in Baltimore county a box shall be pro-
cured as aforesaid, of the form aforesaid, and of sufficient size,
and said box shall be divided into thirteen apartments, which shall
be numbered to correspond with the district of the said county,
and the names of the persons selected as aforesaid, shall be placed
by the said judges in the said compartments of the said box, re-
pectively, which bear the numbers of the districts where the
persons so selected respectively reside, and there shall be then
drawn in the manner hereinbefore provided for the other coun-
ties, five names from compartments number one; three from