AN ACT to add additional sections to article eight, of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Cecil county," sub-
title "Auctions," to be known as "Sections thirty-seven A,
thirty-seven B and thirty-seven C."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
To add
That the following sections to be known as "Sections thirty-seven
A, thirty-seven B and thirty-seven C," be added to article eight,
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Cecil
county," sub-title "Auctions."
37 A. It shall be unlawful for any person to pursue or carry
on the business or avocation of au auctioneer or crier of sales
within the limits of Cecil county, without first taking out a
license therefor, as provided in the following section.
37 B. Any person desiring to pursue or carry on said business
or avocation of auctioneer or crier of sales, may obtain a license
so to do upon application to the clerk of the circuit court for
said county; and said clerk is authorized to issue said license
upon the payment by such person of the sum of fifteen dollars, to
be immediately paid over by said clerk to the treasurer of the
board of county school commissioners for the use of the public
schools of said county, after deducting therefrom the sum of fifty
cents as a fee to be retained by said clerk for issuing said license.
37 C. Any person who shall act, or attempt to act as auctioneer
or crier of sales without first obtaining a license as provided in
the preceding section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and shall be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dol-
lars, to be recovered by indictment in the circuit court for said
county, and such fine shall be paid over to the school board of
said county for the use of the public schools thereof; provided,
that this act shall not be construed to prohibit any citizen of
Cecil county from acting as auctioneer at any sale where the ser-
vices of a licensed auctioneer are not desired, or cannot be readily
obtained, nor shall it apply to any citizen of said county who
may desire to learn the business of auctioneering, for at least two
years from his commencing the same.
Approved April 8, 1890.