SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerk and bailiff shall
give bond to the mayor and council of Tokama park in such
penalty and with such securities as may be required, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of clerk
and bailiff respectively; and said bonds shall be deposited in the
office of the mayor.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the council shall receive all
election returns and determine all questions arising thereon, and
any person conceiving himself aggrieved by reason of such decision
may appeal to the circuit court of the county in which the elec-
tion is held, which shall hear and determine the same and deter-
mine who shall pay the costs of appeal; in case of a tie at any
election for mayor and members of the council, another election
shall be held after ten days' notice, pursuant to the provisions
foregoing in legard to elections; in case of any vacancy in the
office of mayor or councilmen by death, resignation or removal
from the town, said vacancy shall be filled by a vote of the council
until the next election for members of the council.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the council shall have power
to pass all ordinances necessary for the good government of the
town, may open and close streets, lanes and alleys, prevent, remove
and abate or cause to be removed or abated all nuisances or ob-
struction in or upon the streets, sidewalks, highways or alleys,
drains or water-courses, or in or upon any lot or lots adjacent
thereto; and to provide for imposing a fine or fines upon any per-
son or persons causing, creating or maintaining any such nuisance
or obstruction; to remove or cause to be removed houses or other
obstructions or objects that may be dangerous to property, health
or persons passing along or, over any of the highways of the town,
or residing in the neighborhood thereof; to make reasonable regu-
lations in regard to buildings to be erected in said town, and to
grant building permits for the same; to establish grades upon the
streets, gutters and sidewalks of said town, fix the width thereof
and prescribe the material of which they shall be built; to cause
the sidewalks along the said public streets to be graded, paved,
repaired or improved at the cost and expense of the owners of the
abutting property, which cost in case the work is done by the
mayor and council shall be a lieu on the abutting property and re-
coverable by action at law, or compel by fines or otherwise the
owners or proprietors of any such lot or lots to grade, pave or
repave the sidewalks, or set curb in front thereof agreeable to or-
dinances that may hereafter be passed; to cause the public streets
to be lighted; to cause the water-courses, drains and sewers to be
laid, paved, kept in repair and cleaned; to establish markets and
to regulate the hours and limits thereof, and mode of dealing in
relation thereto; to control and protect the public grounds and
property of the town, and to protect public buildings, churches