fuel and lights for the public buildings and grounds, to be ex-
pended under the discretion and control of the governor, six
thousand and five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; to the twenty-six newspapers in which shall be pub-
lished the defaulters to the State previous to the general election
in November, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, to be distributed
by the comptroller upon bills rendered, one thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; for the purpose of fitting
the senate chamber and hall of the house of delegates and so forth,
for the meeting of the general assembly of eighteen hundred and
ninety-two, and for incidental repairs to the public buildings
during the recess of the legislature, twenty-five hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under
direction and order of the governor; for salaries and expenses of
veterinary inspectors, and for appraised value of animals or build-
ings destroyed to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious
diseases among live stock, ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, to be paid upon vouchers exhibited; to the
comptroller pf the treasury, for printing his annual report, one
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for
clerical services rendered State boards of appeal, two hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
To pay the officers and members of the general assembly, in-
cluding postage, stationery, mileage and miscellaneous expenses
as follows, to wit : for the per diem of the president of the senate
at eight dollars per day, seven hundred and twenty dollars; fcr
the per diem of twenty-five senators at five dollars per day, eleven
thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of
one secretary of the senate at ten dollars per day, nine hun-
dred dollars; for the per diem, of one reading clerk of the sen-
ate at ten dollars per day, nine hundred dollars; for the per
diem of one journal clerk of the senate at ten dollars per day,
ations to
nine hundred dollars; for the per diem of one sergeant-at-arms
pay ex-
of the senate at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dol-
pense of
lars; for the per diem of one doorkeeper to the senate at five dol-
lars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of
one assistant doorkeeper to the senate at five dollars per day, four
hundred and fif ty dollars; for the per diem of one engrossing
clerk of the senate at seven dollars per day, six hundred and
thirty dollars; for the per diem of four committee clerks to the
Senate at five dollars per day each, eighteen hundred dollars; for
the per diem of one folder of the senate at five dollars per day,
four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of two pages of
the senate at two dollars and a half per day each, four hundred
and fifty dollars; for the per diem of one janitor of the senate
at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for the per