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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 423   View pdf image (33K)
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him in said town, in addition to the penalty of having the same

shot or otherwise destroyed.

SEC. 160. And be it enacted, That the commissioners may pass

all laws and ordinances necessary to give effect and operation to

the powers vested in them, and impose such fines, penalties and

forfeitures for breach of their laws and ordinances as they may

think proper not exceeding five dollars for any one offense; and


said commissioners shall forthwith define and locate the limits of

said town, and shall have the same filed and recorded in the

clerk's office for Kent county for reference and safe keeping; and

the said commissioners may pass all laws and ordinances necessary

for grading, regulating, paving and repairing the foot-ways in the

streets, lanes and alleys in said town, and impose a tax on any lot

fronting on any street, lane or alley, for the purpose of grading,
regulating, paving and repairing the foot-ways in front thereof,

or compel by fine or otherwise the owners of any lot to pave or

repair the foot-ways in front thereof agreeably to the ordinance

to be passed by them, and shall have power to open and establish

new streets, lanes and alleys, and straighten and widen old streets,


lanes and alleys, and to provide for the payment of damages and

expenses incurred for opening and widening or straightening the
streets, lanes and alleys as aforesaid, by laying and assessing the

same generally upon the whole of the assessable property of the

town or upon the property of person or persons to be benefitted


SEC. 161. And be it enacted, That the justices of the peace

resident in said town are hereby declared to be the conservators

of the peace of said town, and it shall be their duty to order the

arrest of the person or persons found breaking the peace or dis-

turbing the quiet or order of said town, or violating any of the

ordinances made by the commissioners for securing the safety,

health, property or lives of the inhabitants of said town, and


shall have power to require any person so offending to give security

tors of the

to keep the peace, or in default thereof, may commit said person

to the county jail for not more than ten days, and in addition

thereto may for the commission of said offense impose a fine on

such person of not more than five dollars; and such person in

default of payment thereof may be committed to the county jail

for a period of not more than ten days; all fines, penalties and

forfeitures under the sub-title of this article and not otherwise

provided for shall be recoverable before a justice of the peace of

said county, resident in said town, in the name of the commis-

sioners and applied to the benefit of said town, and in all such

proceedings the bailiff shall have the same power to proceed in

the same manner and have the same fees as constables, and for

police duty shall be entitled to the same fees as constable, and all

process shall be returnable before some justice of the peace resi-

dent in the same town.

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Session Laws, 1890
Volume 396, Page 423   View pdf image (33K)
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