SEC. 153. And be it enacted, That the town of Millington, Kent
county, Maryland, including the place known as " Sandtown,"
Queen Anne's county and the inhabitants thereof, are a body
politic by the name and style of "The commissioners of Milling-
ton," Kent county, Maryland, and as such may sue and be sued,
and may have and use a common seal, and may alter the same at
SEC. 154. And "be it enacted, That there shall be three com-
missioners for Millington, Kent county, Maryland, all of whom
shall be tax-payers upon real or personal property who shall be
elected for one year and who shall serve without compensation.
SEC. 155. And be it enacted,, The male citizens living within
the corporate limits of the town of Millington, in Kent and Queen
Anne's counties, Maryland, who have been residents of said town
for six months next preceding any election held under and by
authority of this act of incorporation, and who also shall be over
twenty-one years old shall elect by ballot, on the second Saturday
in March, in each year, at some suitable place selected by the said
commissioners in the said town between the hours of two and five
p. m., three suitable persons residents of said town as commis-
To elect.
sioners of said town to serve for one year, commissioners shall
give at least ten days' notice of said election, and any justice of
the peace may preside thereat, and if no justice be present at the
time of holding said election the commissioners may hold the
same; if anything shall prevent said election from being held on
the day appointed, the commissioners shall appoint another day
for holding the same, and shall give notice thereof at least five
days previous thereto, and in case of death or resignation, the
commissioners shall fill all vacancies in their own body which
may happen within the year.
SEC. 156. And be it enacted, That each commissioner before he
proceeds to act as such, shall make oath before a justice of the
peace for Kent county, that he will diligently and faithfully, to
the best of his skill and judgment, perform the duties of com-
missioner of said town without favor, partiality or prejudice and
the certificate of said qualifications shall be returned by the said
justice to the said commissioners and filed and recorded among
the proceedings.
SEC. 157. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall
meet annually on the first Monday in April and on the first Mon-
day in every month thereafter, and as much oftener as they think
proper; not less than a majority shall constitute a board for the
transaction of any business, excepting adjournment; they may
appoint a clerk to keep the minutes of the proceedings, in a well
bound book to be provided by them for that purpose, and they
may also appoint a bailiff who may be allowed to hold the office
of collector of taxes for said town, giving bond therefor for the