measured in the shell as required by law shall be even or struck
measure; and any person or persons engaged in the business of
buying or selling oysters in this State, who shall own or have in
his possession any instrument of measurement for oysters in the
shell which differs in size or description from the measures here-
inbefore mentioned, with intent to use the same for measuring
oysters shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished accord-
ingly by a court of competent jurisdiction; all tubs to be stamped
by the proper officer of the locality where such tubs are used; pro-
vided, that every offense which has been or shall have been wholly
or partly committed against the provision of the section herein
repealed and re-enacted before this enactment goes into opera-
tion, shall be dealt with, inquired into, tried, determined and
punished, and any penalty in respect to any such offense shall
be imposed or inflicted, and any fine shall be imposed, enforced
or recovered in the same manner as if the said laws had not been
repealed and re-enacted.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.
AN ACT to add additional sections to article fifteen, of the Code
(1888) of Public Local Laws, title "Kent county," sub-title
" Liquors and intoxicating drinks," prohibiting corporations
in Kent county, formed under the provisions of the general
laws of the State, for the creation and maintenance of educa-
tional, moral, scientific, literary, dramatic, musical, social, be-
nevolent or beneficial societies or associations, which shall sell,
give, furnish or dispense to the members thereof any spirituous
or fermented liquors or alcoholic bitters, or any intoxicating
drinks of any kind or description whatever, from admitting to
membership persons under twenty-one years of age, and also
persons not bona fide residents of Kent county, and to make
members of such corporations competent witnesses in certain
legal proceedings, and to provide penalties for the violation of
this act, to be known as "Sub-sections A and B."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the following sections be added to article fifteen, of the
To add.
Code (1888) of the Public Local Laws, entitled "Kent county,"
sub-title " Liquors and intoxicating drinks," to be known as " Sub-
sections A and B."