confined therein until such fine and costs are paid, or for the period
of forty days whichever shall first occur.
SEC. 86. A. If any person having a license to sell spirituous or
fermented liquors or lager beer, shall give to any person who is a
minor or under twenty-one years of age any such spirituous or
fermented liquors or lager beer, 01 having such license shall allow
upon the premises occupied by him any such person who is a
minor or under twenty-one years of age to drink any such spiritu-
Gifts to
ous or fermented liquors or lager beer sold or bartered by him, he
shall on conviction pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than
two hundred dollars together with the costs of prosecution, and
upon failure to pay the same shall be committed to jail and con-
fined therein until such fine and costs are paid, or for the period
of forty days whichever shall first occur; and it shall be the duty
of the court before whom said person shall be convicted to sup-
press the license.
SEC. 86. B. If any person shall take out an ordinary license as
herein provided by law without having the bedding and other ac-
commodations required, hes shall on conviction pay a fine of not
Must have
less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars together with
beds, &c.
the costs of prosecution, and upon failure to pay the same shall be
committed to jail and confined therein until such fine and costs
are paid, or for the period of forty days whichever shall first
occur; and it shall be the duty of the court before whom said per-
son shall be convicted to suppress the license.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the provisions of this act shall
not apply to cases pending at the time of its passage, nor to any
violations of the law hereby repealed which have heretofore oc-
curred, but that in all such cases the right to prosecute the same
is hereby reserved to the State as if the law hereby repealed were
still in force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.