than fifty dollars, and shall stand committed until such fine and
costs are paid, which fine shall he recovered before any justice of
the peace in and for Somerset county subject to appeal to the cir-
cuit court for said county.
G. Be it enacted, That none of the provisions of this act shall
Not app'y
apply to the waters of Pocomoke sound, in the waters of Somerset
county, which is common to citizens of Maryland and Virginia
under compact 1785.
H. Whenever any person under existing laws shall obtain any
license from the clerk of the circuit court for Somerset county to
catch oysters with tongs as now provided for by law, the said license
shall be and remain in force for the space of one year from the
date of its issuance, and shall permit the catching of oysters with
tongs but with no other instrument in the waters of said county
at any time while it is in force as above stated, except during the
months of May, June, July and Sundays of each and every year.
K. Nothing "in this act shall be construed to affect any prosecu-
Not effect
tion for offenses committed in Somerset county before the passage
of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
the date of its passage; but the legislature hereby reserves the
right to change or amend this act whenever it shall deem proper so
to do.
Approved March 31, 1890.
AN ACT to repeal the act passed at January session eighteen
hundred and seventy-eight, chapter three hundred and forty-
two, authorizing and directing the comptroller of the treasury
to allow certain credits to the consolidation coal company and
to the Cumberland and Pennsylvania railroad company on the
State taxes of said companies respectively. ,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act passed at January session eighteen hundred and
seventy-eight, chapter three hundred and forty-two, authorizing
and directing the comptroller of the treasury to allow certain
credits to the consolidation coal company and to the Cumberland
and Pennsylvania railroad company mentioned in said act, on the
State taxes of said companies respectively, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from
and after the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1890.