101. To facilitate and aid in paying the expenses of the county
in cash for which said bonds were issued, all county taxes levied
To be paid
hereafter shall be paid in money, or in the coupons of county
bonds in the manner and subject to all the conditions provided
by law.
102 A. The county commissioners shall not hereafter issue cer-
tificates of indebbedness nor settle, pass or allow any claim against
No certi-
the county, except by order of warrant to be issued for the pay-
ment thereof out of an appropriation theretofore made by them
and remaining unexpended in the hands of the treasurer or other
lawfully authorized financial agent of the county.
102 B. The county commissioners shall not make any contract
involving the expenditure of money, nor incur any liability for
which there shall not at the time be cash iu the treasury of the
Cash to
be paid.
county sufficient to meet such expenditure or liability and ap-
propriated to such purpose.
103. All money raised by the sale of said bonds or remaining
therefrom shall be deposited in bank in the name of the board
of county commissioners of Prince George's county, and shall be
paid out only upon warrants as provided in section ninety of
this title.
116. He shall be the collector of all State and county taxes
for Prince George's county that may be levied by the county
commissioners, and shall have full power and authority to re-
ceive and collect said taxes and to enforce payment thereof, and
to convey title to any personal property or real estate sold by him
for the payment thereof; the sale of any real estate sold by him
shall be reported to the circuit court for Prince George's county
on the equity side thereof for ratification; and if it shall appear
that he has complied with the requirements of law it shall be the
duty of said court to ratify the same; either party to such pro-
ceedings having right of appeal as in cases in equity provided ;
and the general notice of sale when published as hereinafter re-
quired, shall have all the force and effect of a summons to appear
in such court on the thirtieth day after the first day of such sale,
to show cause why such sale should not be ratified and confirmed,
and shall vest in the said court full jurisdiction in the premises
in respect to the lands mentioned, and the persons named in such
notice of sale to the full extent of any interest in such lands be-
longing to them; and if after final ratification in such proceed-
ings the land sold shall not be redeemed within two years and as
prescribed by law, the treasurer shall convey the same in fee-
simple to the purchaser thereof; the treasurer shall immediately
To convey
on receiving from the board of county commissioners the dupli-
cate assessment book, or a list of taxes levied in each district of
the county for each current fiscal year, proceed to receive and
collect the same.