AN ACT to authorize certain railroad companies incorporated
under the laws of this State to sell or lease their property and
franchises to the Western Maryland railroad company or to the
Western Maryland tidewater railroad company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any railroad company now or hereafter to be incorporated
under the laws of this State, which shall connect with the West-
ern Maryland railroad company or with any railroad owned or
operated by said company under any lease or contract, may lease
or sell its property of all kinds and franchises to the Western
May sell.
Maryland railroad company or to the Western Maryland tidewater
railroad company upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the
parties; provided, however, that no such sale or lease shall be
made unless the same shall have been assented to by a majority
of all the stockholders, in person or by prosy, of the company
whose road it is proposed to sell or lease, at a meeting to be held
for the purpose, upon such notice as is required by the charter
and by-laws of said company.