convicted of offences punishable as aforesaid ; and
all persons who shall hereafter be convicted of any
offence punishable as aforesaid, and confined in said
jail under a sentence for a longer period than two
calendar months, shall each have a deduction from
their several terms of sentence of five days for each
and every calendar month during which no charge
of misconduct shall have been sustained against
them, and they shall be discharged at the expiration
of their respective terms of sentence, less the time
so deducted, and a certificate of the warden of the
Warden to
said jail of such deduction shall be entered on the
certify to de-
warrant of commitment ; provided, that if during
the term of imprisonment the prisoner shall commit
any act of insubordination or other violation of dis-
cipline the Board of Yisitors may, at their discre-
tion, reduce or annul entirely such deductions.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
When effec-
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 10, 1880.
AN ACT to accept from the United States a grant
of the grounds, buildings and appurtenances known
as the Pikesville Arsenal in Baltimore county in
this State.
WHEREAS by an act of the Congress of the United
States making appropriations for the sundry civil
expenses of the Government for the fiscal year end-
ing June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty,
approved March 3d, eighteen hundred and seventy-
nine, the Secretary of War was authorized and di-
rected to transfer to the State of Maryland the
grounds, buildings and appurtenances known as the
Pikesville Arsenal in Baltimore County in this State,
to be used for militia purposes or other purposes as
the necessities of the State may require.